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Donald Trump

Get Ready For A 'Day Without Immigrants'!!!

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You don’t like immigrants, Donald Trump? Let’s see how great you can make America without them.
Workers around the country are ready to strike Thursday in a #DayWithoutImmigrants that could end up being the most enormous, impactful protest against the President yet.
The boycott is being organized for Thursday on social media to send a message about Drumpf’s policies of “extreme vetting,” banning specific nationalities, and of course his stupid wall.
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The immigration population as of 2014 was estimated to be roughly 42.4 million, over 13 percent of the country — and it’s only grown since then.
Also, pretty much ALL of us are the descendants of immigrants, so strictly speaking a day without immigrants is a day without America.
No one knows how big the protest will get, but if every immigrant really does close their business and take the day off of work and spending, the country will shake to its financial core.
See more on the strike (below)!

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Feb 15, 2017 21:02pm PDT

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