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Demi Lovato CRUSHES Body-Shaming Troll! Look!

Demi Lovato Body Shamed Selena Gomez Stan Response Instagram

If you thought learning all that Brazilian jiu jitsu just meant Demi Lovato could kick your ass in the ring (or the octagon?), just try coming for her on social media.
What could only be described as an Instagram troll learned that harsh lesson on Tuesday when they tried to fat-shame Demi.
A star who has spoken openly about her battles with eating disorders. Really classy. Like we said, a troll.
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The offender was apparently a Selena Gomez stan, going by the name Selenuer on IG — with a pic of Selly for their profile.
Anyway, this “Selenuer” posted a paparazzi pic of Demi, apparently just coming from the gym, and wrote:

“hey demi dm me so we can discuss a diet plan for you @ddlovato”

She even tagged her. She totally meant for Demi to see this.
So gross.
We’re not sure why Demi look the time to respond — the account only had like 60 followers. Maybe because it was just too easy not to?
Speaking of easy, that’s exactly how Demi took it. She wrote back:

“I actually am choosing not to diet and fall back into unhealthy behaviors at the risk of losing my sanity or mental health but thank you for the offer! Super sweet ?”

She even finished with a little heart emoji! LOVES it!
As you may have guessed, that sweet response was a finishing move if we’ve ever seen one.
Not ONE commenter dared take the side of someone trying so hard to be mean to someone going through such well-known personal struggles. Most just asked “Selenuer” what Selena — Demi’s former BFF — would think of such an attack.
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Oh, and no one bought that act of trying to actually help her out with a nutrition plan either; ffs, Demi was coming from a workout IN THE PHOTO.
She clearly has her crap together when it comes to keeping fit. And in a healthy way!
Just look at what she posted back in May about loving her body:

Demi Lovato body Instagram
Idk what to caption this.. reality is I’m sitting at the gym post jiu jitsu feeling high on life and drinking my post workout shake. I’m sweaty and not looking this glamorous right now but f**k I feel awesome and posting this feels empowering because I like this pic where I feel sexy and I can also defend myself from anyone that ever tries to attack me. Any size, any shape, any gender. I have security but in the moments I’m alone I feel confident (no pun intended) that I can hold my own against an attacker and hope everyone finds something they become as passionate about as I feel about jiu jitsu. #BJJ #BlueBelt (c) Demi Lovato/Instagram

Gurl clearly has her fitspo game on lock.
And she’s looking AMAZING and STRONG!
But jiu jitsu isn’t about brute strength — it’s about skill. And Demi’s high road response apparently made this “Selenuer” feel so bad about what they posted, they DELETED THEIR ENTIRE ACCOUNT.
Like we said. Don’t mess with Demi.
[Image via Demi Lovato/Instagram.]

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Jul 03, 2019 06:40am PDT