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Dogs Dying From Mysterious Killer Disease Similar To Alabama Rot!!

Dogs in the UK are dying from rot!! Oh no!!!
Oh no this is just so awful!
Dogs in New Forest, Hampshire, in the UK, are dying from an unknown disease!
It’s similar to a disease called Alabama rot, which was first reported in the U.S. in the 1980s.
That rot was coasted by toxins from E coli bacteria but that’s not necessarily the case for the UK.
Dogs first suffer lesions on their lower legs and things progress to kidney failure two to seven days later.
A UK vet familiar with this problem said:

“The advice I would give to the pet-owning general public is if you see a wound on your dog’s leg, where you might ordinarily leave that for 12-24 hours, the advice would be to take your dog to the vet’s. Most vets are now aware of the condition, so seek early veterinary attention. There have been a few as yet unexplained incidents in the New Forest and the Forestry Commission is working closely with vets and putting up notices to inform the public.
Owners should always keep their dogs under close control and be aware of anything they may pick up, chew or eat in a woodland area. If their dog becomes ill they should contact a vet as soon as possible with as much information as they can.”

Wow, that’s seriously so scary!
Just a little sore on their paw can turn into death in under a week!!
To all you UK readers… keep your doggies safe pleaseeee!!!
The syndrome is apparently rare but it’s still out there so beware.

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Jan 22, 2014 08:58am PDT

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