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Donald Trump Defends His Controversial Decision To Have Daughter Ivanka Sit In For Him At G20 Meeting

donald trump defends ivanka trump g20 meeting
Donald Trump is clapping back. *Shocker*
On Monday, the President took to Twitter to hit back at critics who were upset about Ivanka Trump sitting in on a G20 meeting over the weekend. In case you missed it, Miz Trump briefly took her father’s seat at a summit with world leaders on Saturday as POTUS had to step away for a sit down with the Indonesian president Joko Widodo and others.
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Despite being an adviser to the president, this move was unprecedented as a leader’s absence is usually covered by a high-ranking official. Don’t worry, it’s said Ivanka contributed very little during the meeting and her father returned to his seat after a short while. Phew.
Unsurprisingly, the Trumps were met with quite a bit of criticism for this decision. This backlash has certainly rubbed the Celebrity Apprentice alum the wrong way as he took to Twitter on Monday to defend his daughter’s place at the table. The 70-year-old ranted:

Okay, don’t drag Angela Merkel into your mess! He continued:

Can’t Donald leave the Clintons alone at this point?? Geez.
Of course, this latest outburst comes hours after the president claimed he wanted to instate a cyber security unit with the help of Russian President Vladimir Putin. *Sigh*
Looks like it’s just another day in Trump’s America…
[Image via WENN.]

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Jul 10, 2017 09:30am PDT