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Donald Trump Feeds Into Conspiracy Theory About His Presidency With New Quote!

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Donald Trump is having one of those weeks. It’s his 60th since being POTUS.
He made it obvious he’s about to fire Robert Mueller, had another mistress sue to tell her story, saw hidden camera of his election consultants admitting to crimes, congratulated his pal Putin on a sham election, started beefing with Joe Biden, and once again proved the “dishonest media” was telling the truth by changing up his legal team as reported.
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But it’s only Thursday.
So Trump kept the streak alive by giving a very telling answer in a forum with millennials. Watch:

“Don’t run for president.”

Trump continued:

“All my life, I’ve gotten really ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ look, we all get a knock. But I got the greatest publicity. I was getting such great ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ until I ran for office.”

Oh no! Your fucking publicity? BOO FUCKING HOO! You’re not supposed to run for personal gain, you’re supposed to run to help the country!
Let’s clear something up right now, Honest Don. You’ve always seemed like a crooked, sleazy, sexist, racist piece of shit. The reason no one talked about how you seemed like a crooked, sleazy, sexist, racist piece of shit before is that you were a reality TV star.
You weren’t affecting anyone’s lives. You weren’t even the draw on Celebrity Apprentice! Everyone liked Ivanka more! Barely anyone even thought about you, much less what you did behind closed doors with hookers or porn stars or friends’ wives.
But the U.S. president is held to what’s called a HIGHER STANDARD. That means now we very much care about illegal and embarrassing behavior.
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Anyway, this is the latest piece of evidence to support a very particular theory about Trump — that he never wanted to be President.
It’s an odd one, but the theory goes that Trump would use the increased notoriety of a presidential run to start his own cable network called Trump TV. After saying in the last couple weeks of the election that it was rigged, he would continue that thread with a bunch of programs attacking Hillary Clinton. It’s big business. Ask Fox News.
Ultimately, then it wouldn’t matter what help he got from Russia. After all, who looks into the particulars of a failed campaign?
(Yes, this is basically the plot of The Producers. Trump was pulling a Bialystock and Bloom on America.)
The main evidence theorists have is Fire And Fury, in which it’s said Trump “looked as if he’d seen a ghost” on election night. Michael Wolff‘s controversial book also paints a portrait of a furious Melania Trump, to whom Donald swore he wouldn’t win. The man’s sourcing is sketchy, but it does fit with Melania’s behavior over the past year.
Of course, we’ve also heard time and again Trump complaining about the job, calling the White House a “dump”, not reading his intelligence briefings, playing golf more than any president ever, etc.
Just a LOT of evidence he hates the job.
He certainly seems to want to keep the presidency, that much seems clear! Or maybe it’s just that the alternative is prison now…
Anyway, just a theory we heard. That’s all. Tell us what YOU think!
[Image via NBC News/Twitter.]

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Mar 22, 2018 19:02pm PDT