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Late Night Hosts Chime In On Donald Trump's RIDICULOUS Final Debate Behavior -- Watch The Best Takes From Colbert, Kimmel, & Noah!

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If for some reason you missed the final debate last night, there were PLENTY of lowlights thanks to the always classless Donald Trump.
But maybe it’ll be more palatable if you just let the late night hosts give you their HIGHlarious takes!
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While we’re used to most of the hosts chiming in and making fun of Trump on a regular basis, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah, and Jimmy Kimmel all taped their shows after the debate so they could cover it right away!
Both Stephen and Trevor did their traditional HIGHlarious bits where they picked apart Donald’s quotes and proved how absurd they were with facts. Kimmel on the other hand, made a few jokes but also had an AH-Mazing video of all the times the 70-year-old interrupted his opponent! LOLz!
Ch-ch-check out all the best late night debate coverage (below)!
Colbert’s Thoughts On The Debate

Donald’s biggest gaffe during the debate was when he admitted he might not accept losing the election, saying, “I will tell you at the time. I’ll keep you in suspense.” Colbert rightfully blasted Don saying:

“I guess we’re all going to have to wait until November 9 to find out if we still have a country, if Donald Trump is in the mood for a peaceful transfer of power, or if he’s just going to wipe his fat ass with the Constitution.”

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The host of The Late Show also made fun of Miz Clinton just a tad too, but only for her outfit calling her “Star Trek Deep Space Pope”. If that’s the most criticism he has for her, we’ll gladly take it!
The Daily Show‘s Take On The Showdown

The young host has gone after Donald time and time again, so it’s no surprise he would blast the GOP candidate for some of the asinine things he said Wednesday night! One of the funniest bits came when Trevor made fun of the former Celebrity Apprentice star for saying “bad hombres”!
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The 32-year-old pointed out:

“Look at you Donald Trump, connecting with the Hispanic community there. ‘They’re bad hombres, see what I did there folks, I learned something.’… Hispanic people are at home thinking ├óΓé¼╦£I know Trump said we’re all criminals and rapists, but he said hombres, yeah!'”

J.K. Uses Clips To Show Donald’s AWFUL Behavior
Kimmel decided to take a bit different approach to the debate, first joking during his monologue that it seemed like the Donald was doing an impression of Alec Baldwin, saying:

“His eyes were mostly closed the whole time, his voice was at phone-sex whisper. It almost seemed as if he was doing an impression of Alec Baldwin doing an impression of him.”

Jimmy also had some footage thrown together for a couple funny bits that bash the Republican’s penchant for interrupting Hil and arguing with his own running mate Mike Pence (below)!

What were your thoughts on the debate last night??
[Image via ABC/CBS/NBC/Comedy Central.]

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Oct 20, 2016 11:06am PDT