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Debate Sweetheart Ken Bone Leaves NSFW Porn Comments & Thinks Trayvon Martin Killing Was Justified

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UPDATE (5:18 P.M. EST): Bone clarified his comments to TMZ, explaining that the Reddit post about Trayvon was merely a recap of the Department of Justice’s report on the case. While the department considers it “legally justified,” Bone still views the teen’s death as an absolute tragedy.
As for peeping on J.Law’s nudes, Bone says he’d like to apologize to the actress because he now knows what it’s like to lose privacy.

The Internet can build you up, but it can tear you down just as easily…
That’s what Ken Bone should be worried about mere days after stealing the hearts of Americans during the second presidential debate on Sunday.
Over the past week, the undecided voter rose to fame by providing a much needed distraction from one of the most vicious presidential elections in history, all with his no nonsense name and playfully autumnal cardigan.
But days later, the 34-year-old seems to already have fallen from grace — because of the very same Internet who put him on a viral pedestal!
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On Thursday night, Bone held his very first Reddit AMA, but made a big mistake by using his previously existing Reddit account, StanGibson18, to answer questions.
When users saw that he had been on Reddit for years, they quickly perused his comment history — and were shocked to find Bone was a regular participant in NSFW forums and referred to pregnant women as “beautiful human submarines.”
He also gave his thoughts on the 2014 leak of Jennifer Lawrence‘s nude photos, declaring that “I saw her butthole. I liked it.”
We’re sure she’d love to hear that, Ken…
However, the most controversial comment from Bone came from a now-deleted post in which he suggested the killing of Trayvon Martin was “justified,” which reportedly read:

“It doesn’t have to be one or the other view here. From what I read about the case, the shooting of Trayvon Martin was legally justified.”

Um… what?
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In his defense, Bone also declared that George Zimmerman — who was acquitted in the killing of the unarmed teen — was a “big ole sh*t bird.”
But he honestly thought the sh*t bird SHOULD HAVE gotten away with it??
Yeesh. Guess we have to update our #KenBoneFacts…
Do YOU think the internet will forgive, or is the Bone Zone already over?
[Image via Twitter.]

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Oct 14, 2016 10:57am PDT