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No One Wants To Speak At Donald Trump's Convention!

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Just like the weird kid in high school, no one wants to go to Donald Trump‘s party!
In the past couple of days, things aren’t going so well for the businessman! As we reported, thousands of wealthy Republican campaign donors are withholding their money from the controversial candidate!
In addition to his lack of funding, it seems like no Republican politicians are willing to speak or even attend the Republican National Convention less than a month away!
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On Monday, POLITICO reached out to several prominent GOP governors, senators, and representatives about whether they were attending the convention in Cleveland. And judging from their data, people are avoiding Trump like a bad fart!
Some of the people who are flat out not attending include South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Rep. Mark Sanford, Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo, New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, and several others!
This news is surprising given the fact that the RNC is a place where up-and-coming politicians become breakout stars. However, folks simply don’t want to be associated with the Donald.
But don’t feel too bad for the former reality TV star! Supporters such as New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich will most likely get on stage.
Sucks to suck!
[Image via WENN.]

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Jun 27, 2016 21:52pm PDT

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