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Donald Trump

Donald Trump Threatens Ted Cruz's Wife -- Find Out Why The Candidate Says He'll 'Spill The Beans' On Heidi Cruz!

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Donald Trump took his feud with Ted Cruz to a whole new level– and this time, he dragged his opponent’s wife into the mix!
The GOP frontrunner cautioned the Texas senator to “be careful” after coming across anti-Trump advertisement that featured his wife Melania Trump nude.
The Facebook ad targeted to Mormons was created by political action committee Make America Awesome — which has no known ties to the Cruz campaign.
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Still, Trump assumed Cruz was behind the advertisement — and even went as far as to threaten his wife Heidi Cruz if he didn’t cut it out!
On Tuesday, Trump shared on Twitter:

Heidi is a senior executive for Goldman Sachs, and has become one of the campaign’s best fundraisers.
While it’s not clear exactly what “beans” The Donald has to spill on the finance exec, her husband was NOT having it!
Shortly after, Ted responded on Twitter and revealed that he was not responsible for the ad — and made sure Trump knew what a “coward” he was for threatening to go after Heidi:

Things are getting nasty between these two!
Do YOU think Trump is just talking a big game, or does he actually have a smear campaign up his sleeves?
[Image via Judy Eddy/WENN/Twitter.]

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Mar 23, 2016 13:01pm PDT