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ICYMI: Trevor Noah Sears Donald Trump For Telling The Truth, AKA Gloating About His Blatant Lies! Watch!

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Only in Donald Trump‘s world can something be as funny as it is incredibly disturbing.
On Wednesday night, Daily Show host Trevor Noah called out Drumpf for his pride and gloating about his endless lies. Apparently Trump has no qualms about exposing his moral bankruptcy now that he’s won the election.
Related: Donald Is Throwing A Party… A Charging His Guest MILLIONS!
According to Noah, what we’re seeing now is a version of the president-elect known as “Truth Trump”, in which the failed businessman is honest about his lies.
In an amazing assessment, Trevor goes on to point out how the 70-year-old is openly admitting to backtracking on his promises, like his bogus plan to lock up Hillary Clinton for the Benghazi emails.
At a recent rally, Trump said of the “lock her up” lie:

“Forget it. That plays great before the election. Now we don’t care, right?”

Wow. We can only hope the failed businessman’s supporters will finally face reality — Donald has never, and will never care, about YOU!
In another part of the segment, Trevor highlights a particularly scary comment Donald made about Speaker of the House Paul Ryan at his egotistical “Thank You” tour’s stop in Wisconsin, which also happens to be Ryan’s home state.
Related: Donald Throws Twitter Tantrum Against Vanity Fair!
The failed businessman said of Paul:

“Speaker Paul Ryan. ├óΓé¼┬ª He has been terrific. And you know, honestly, he’s like a fine wine: Every day goes by I get to appreciate his genius more and more. Now if he ever goes against me, I’m not going to say that.”

Yikes! It’s crazy Donny has the audacity to say something like that!
In response to the INSANE remark, Noah quips:

“What stands out in that clip to me is not the compliment, but how blatantly Trump admits how empty his words are. If Paul Ryan is like a fine wine, then Donald Trump is like a fine meth. Just a little and you’re like, ├óΓé¼╦£What the f*ck is going on?'”

Ch-ch-check out the hysterical yet TERRIFYING full expos├â┬⌐ on “Truth Trump” (below)!

[Image via YouTube.]

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Dec 16, 2016 13:06pm PDT