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Eva Longoria Reveals She's Been Covering Up A 'Full Head Of Gray Hair' Since She Was 18!

Eva Longoria
Eva Longoria
is always #HairGoals… but we had no idea she’s been covering up “a full head of gray hair” since her teens!
In a new interview with Us Weekly, the 41-year-old revealed she gets her roots touched up every two weeks in order to keep her signature brunette locks:

“I’ve had a full head of gray hair, since I was, like, 18. So for me, going to the salon is every two weeks. And then I have some that peek through. So if I’m traveling or not in town to get my hair colored, I need an emergency fix.”

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For emergencies, Miz Longoria uses L’Or├â┬⌐al root cover up to temporarily conceal the grays:

“This root cover-up allows that because it’s a spray, and it sprays out like a powder, almost like a dry shampoo. It’s not sticky, it’s not wet, it’s not residue-y. It washes out when you wash your hair. But it’s great; it has a lot of coverage. I used to use those mascaras, and it would leave your hair sticky. Then I would use my black eye shadow, and it would come off when the wind blows.”

As for other beauty tips and tricks, the actress suggests:

“I like to air-dry my hair a lot, so I spray in a leave-in conditioner. And my hairdresser taught me just to twist this front end back and bobby pin it for an hour while it’s air-drying. When you let it go, it just frames your hair nicely, as opposed to having that air-dry sloppy look. It just looks as if it dried naturally in this beautiful shape. It’s perfect for curly hair. Do your part, brush it, twist the hair while it’s wet. Don’t twist up, twist down. Pin it, and let it go when it’s still a little damp.”

This spring, the Desperate Housewives star says she’s all about rocking waves:

“Waves. A lot of waves. I might go short again and then just lighten up my hair.”

What trends are you most looking forward to?? Let us know in the comments (below)!!
[Image via Instagram.]

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Feb 24, 2017 13:32pm PDT

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