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Chihuahua Stolen From A Porseche

rick dog stolen

Just tragic.

After shopping at Whole Foods a Manhattan artist returned to his SUV to find the window smashed and both his laptop and lapdog missing from the back seat.

he devastated owner said:

“He had never left my side since he was 3 months old. He’s attached to me and I am attached to him.”

Bruce filed a police report and plastered the neighborhood as well as several Web sites with fliers offering a $2,500 reward, but he thought he’d never see Harry again.

“There were a few false alarms — unsavory people calling looking for the reward. It was like ‘Finding Nemo’ — it was a whole adventure finding a 4-pound dog in all of New York City. That is almost impossible.”

Five days later (at 1 a.m.) the owner got a call from Dory a vet tech who said she had been taking care of a Chihuahua that fit Harry’s description.

Bruce and his partner arrived at her home to be reunited with Harry.

The vet tech declined the reward money, so Bruce decided to donate the funds to a Chihuahua rescue group in her name.

We hope Pixar gets the rights to this story soon!

[Image via WENN.]

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Apr 26, 2011 09:00am PDT

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