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Announce Your Pregnancy With Facebook

Facebook Expecting
Some people love sharing good news over and over again.
If you’re not one of those people and prefer to get it all done in one, Facebook has got you covered.
Now you can add Expecting A Baby to your timeline so everyone and their mother can see your pregnancy from miles away.
In a press release Facebook said:

“Life Events are easy and expressive ways to mark significant moments in your life such as getting married, buying a house or traveling to new places. If you choose to, you can now share that you are expecting a baby with your friends on Facebook.”

Now no one will have to awkwardly worry that maybe you’re just getting fat! LOLz!
P.S. CLICK HERE to “follow” Perez on Twitter!
P.P.S. CLICK HERE to “like” Perez on Facebook!
[Image via Facebook.]

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Aug 14, 2012 15:03pm PDT

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