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Jillian Michaels Explains How Fitness Empowers People In Health

Jillian Health cover
Jillian Michaels is not only one of the most popular authorities on fitness these days, but she’s one of the most knowledgeable. The former Biggest Loser trainer is covering Health magazine’s March issue to talk about why she takes fitness so seriously and why you should too!
Although a lot of people work out for strictly vanity or health reasons, Jillian began working out for just one — confidence. Now, a top celebrity trainer, Jillian uses fitness as a tool to give others the confidence they need to succeed in life, explaining:

“For years, I always thought it was hilarious that I was this fitness guru, because fitness was just a tool I utilized to help people improve their confidence. For me, it’s never been about fitness. It’s always been about helping to empower people.”

To adopt a healthy and active lifestyle that leads to that kind of self-empowerment, one has to be inspired. Inspiration can come from a lot of places, but for Jillian, the most powerful and longest lasting comes from within, continuing:

“You can look for external sources of motivation and that can catalyze a change, but it won’t sustain one. It has to be from an internal desire. You have to ask, ‘Why do I want this?’ I want to be around for a family, and to feel good about my body. I want to set an example. My number-one piece of advice is: Look inside and find out what your “why” is. I don’t care whose butt you’ve posted on the screen of your treadmill.”

The catalyst for Jillian to start down a road that would eventually lead to one of the most recognizable and best looking 38-year-old bodies on the planet was actually bullying. It’s hard to believe this chick ever let anyone speak down to her, but the trainer opened up to reveal:

“I was an overweight kid, and I went through a period where…they were making cow sounds at me when I walked down the hallway and just humiliating me…That’s when I got into martial arts…and no one ever picked on me again.”

For anyone who is currently being bullied or harrassed, Jillian Michaels is living proof that it DOES get better! To read more, click here and be sure to check out the latest issue of Health when it hit newsstands!

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Feb 16, 2012 19:30pm PDT