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Florida Teen Faked Her Own Kidnapping To Get Sympathy After Breaking Up With Her Boyfriend!

florida teen faked her own kidnapping to get sympathy after breaking up with her boyfriend
So not cool!
A 16-year-old Florida teenager named Ankita Lavender apparently was SO upset about breaking up with her boyfriend that she ran away from home, and pretended that she was abducted to get sympathy!
The teenager, two days after her breakup, apparently called her father and told him that two men pulled her into a white truck. The father immediately called police who sent out an Amber Alert and 40 officers to look for the 16-year-old. They searched for her for four hours, and all of that police work cost the state between $5,000 and $7,000.
They found her on her back on the side of the road four hours later, and told police she had been thrown from the truck by the two men. Which made no sense since she had no injuries whatsoever.
Police are allowed to file a misdemeanor charge for a false police report, but since she’s a minor, no one in the public will be able to see if those charges are filed.
The teenager also wrote on Twitter two days before the incident, a series of incriminating tweets that read:

“‘Going MIA for awhile…’
‘Finally have a plan’
‘If i disappeared, it wouldn’t even be a problem'”

As for Clay County Sheriff’s Office Colonel Craig Aldrich‘s thoughts on if the teenager should be charged, his opinion is crystal clear. He said:

“My personal opinion is that she should be charged, but that’s a matter for the state attorney’s office.”

Well, we’ll never know if she was, but we DO hope she’s learned her lesson!
Breakups hurt, but the aftermath of faking your abduction hurts a lot more!
And that’s the truth!
[Image via Clay County Sheriff’s Office.]

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May 03, 2014 12:01pm PDT