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Guess Which Foods We Eat In The U.S. Are BANNED Elsewhere!

foods usa banned world europe canada dangerous gross eat eating
Actually, you don’t have to guess! We’ll just flat out tell you that the following EIGHT foods we consume regularly as citizens of the USA are banned in major parts of the world!
Super gross? Or is the rest of the world just being pansy and un-American??
How dare they! LOLz!
Brominated Vegetable Oil
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Ever wonder why those drinks you drink never have their colors separate from the liquid? That’s because BVO helps food dye STICK to it. You know, like your sports drinks and certain pop!
Bromine happens to be versatile, because not only does it make your drink pretty, but it’s a chemical used to stop your carpets from catching on fire! It has been linked to major organ system damage, birth defects, growth problems, schizophrenia, and hearing loss — which is why over 100 countries have banned it, except here in We Just Don’t Care America! LOLz!
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These suckers replace fat and lowers calorie counts. Also, they help you experience vitamin depletion and anal leakage — so that’s fun!
You can find it in certain fat-free chips and French fries. Great! That’s why the U.K. and Canada have banned their asses!
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Strangely, this one isn’t a Harry Potter spell. It’s actually used to bleach things like flour and plastic, all while giving you asthma!
You can find it in breads, frozen dinners, boxed pasta mixes, and packaged baked goods, unless you’re in Australia, the U.K., and most European countries.
Synthetic growth hormones rBGH and rBST
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You’ve probably heard of these, which are used to get more of that sweet milk and those delicious dairy products. It’s too bad it can give us breast, colon, and prostate cancer, because MMMMMMMMM DELICIOUS!
This one’s double awful, because it’s bad for both cows AND people. Unless you want infertility, weakened muscle growth, and a bunch of cancer, that is. That’s why you can’t use it in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, and the EU.
Potassium Bromate Bromated Flour
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Are you an impatient baker that also likes to have awful kidneys and nervous systems? Awesome, this is for you — it’s derived from the same harmful chemical as brominated vegetable oil, and is used to decrease baking time and reduce costs. Easy trade off if you’re cool with kidney damage, cancer, and nervous system damage. Europe, Canada, and China certainly aren’t!
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Chew your way to cancer and tumors! You can tast these amazing chemicals in things like cereal, nut mixes, gum, butter, meat, dehydrated potatoes — and it’s used to keep things from going rancid. Though, we don’t know what’s worse: eating something rancid, or eating something not rancid that causes cancer in rats.
Not rats in England, Japan, and many other European countries, though!
Artificial Food Dye
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All those colors! Also, it inhibits nerve-cell development. You can find it in pretty much everything we consume here in the USA, including cake mixes, sports drinks, cheese, candy, macaroni and cheese, etc.
They’re made from chemicals derived from petroleum, you know, the stuff they use to make gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt, and stuff? They’ve been linked to brain cancer, nerve-cell deterioration, and hyperactivity. That’s probably why Norway, Finland, Austria, France, and the United Kingdom have BANNED THEM.
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This is just straight up poison! You can find it in poultry, because why not? They put it in chicken feed to get meat to look pinker and fresher, which is a fantastic reason to ingest and make things eat poison.
The European Union will have none of it, and rightly so! LOLz!
[Images via AP Images.]

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Jun 20, 2013 19:30pm PDT