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Frank Ocean Is Being Sued By Chipotle Because He Didn’t Want Their Logo In Their Ad?!

Frank Ocean sued by Chipotle for a weird reason
Celebs have done a lot of bizarre things, but this?
Frank Ocean has launched himself to super celeb status, so Chipotle tapped him to sing a remake of Pure Imagination for their new ad.
And the paycheck was for $425,000!
Then things got weird when the 26-year-old singer saw the final version of the ad, which promotes the restaurant chain’s new video game app. Reportedly, Frank was upset because Chipotle put their logo at the end.
Sources say that the singer thought he├óΓé¼Γäód get to have the last word about the promo and recording stuff… even though it’s Chipotle’s ad and they’re paying for it.
We’re not quite sure what he expected them to do, but now Chipotle is suing Mr. Ocean for the $212,500 they gave him in advance.
Pret-ty, pretty weird…
Chipotle still made the ad happen though, and the short now features Fiona Apple. Ch-ch-check it out (below)!

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Mar 08, 2014 16:03pm PDT