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This Little Girl Passionately Reenacting 'Frozen' In The Snow Will Melt Your Cold Heart!

Toddler reenacts Elsa's Let It Go dance

Many of you might already be sick of the snow, but the cold is clearly not bothering this little girl as she evokes her inner Elsa.

Kristi Michele melted the hearts of over 26 million people after she posted a recording of her toddler Madelyn outside playing in the snow while dressed as the beloved ice queen from the hit Disney film, Frozen — and by “playing,” we mean doing a step-by-step reenactment of Elsa’s iconic Let It Go scene with spot-on choreo.

Not only does Madelyn nail the tossing-of-the-gloves movement, she does a perfectly timed building-of-Olaf before sauntering across her backyard so confidently you might for a split second confuse her for Idina Menzel

Related: Haunted Elsa Doll Leaves Family ‘Frozen’ In Fear!

Based on the video’s caption, it appears little Madelyn was rehearsing the scene for quite some time, as her mother wrote: 

“Madelyn finally got some snow to do her scene.”

We’d say she nailed it! 

Ch-ch-check out the heartwarming viral clip (below)!

[Image via Disney]

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Feb 07, 2020 15:14pm PDT