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Game Of Thrones

Game Of Thrones Season 4 Teaser Trailer FINALLY Released! Watch The Super Short, Super AWESOME Clip HERE!!!

ZOMG! Try not to go CRAZY after you watch this!
The first teaser for the HIGHLY anticipated, upcoming Game of Thrones season 4 has FINALLY been released and even though it’s super, super short, it’s FILLED with lots of wonderful Westeros happenings!
Though, it’s definitely left us with A LOT of questions!
After you watch the clip (above), find out if you have the same ones…AFTER THE JUMP!!!
Who is that riding on the horse in the beginning? Why is Tyrion Lannister, aka Peter Dinklage, walking through the throne room with his hands shackled together?
Why is Joffrey, aka Jack Gleeson, looking so sullen…oh wait, that’s his regular demeanor…nevermind!
What’s Jamie Lannister, aka Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, looking at and WHERE is he?! Why does Sansa Stark, aka Sophie Turner, look so hopeful and why does her hair look brown to us?!
So many questions!!! Let’s hope there is a real, full length, teaser soon!
But for now, just watch the quickie version over and over and over again!!!
Ch-ch-check it out (above)!!!!

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Dec 16, 2013 16:45pm PDT

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