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Basketball Wives L.A. Star Fired Because Hubby Won't Participate

Gloria Govan, a Basketball Wives L.A. star, thinks she’ll get the boot from the show any day now!
No, it wasn’t a standard “got too drunk and punched a camera man” incident or anything like that.
Her basketball star husband Matt Barnes, who recently got suspended from a game, refused to participate on the show this season.
She hasn’t officially been kicked off yet, but ever since denying producers the ability to film her wedding this past summer, she’s just been waiting for the day.
She thinks they’re not gonna fire her until after the reunion show, to make sure she shows up.
We feel bad she may be fired but if her hubby won’t “play ball” then we’re not sure they’ll be able to use her much!
Maybe she should just start her own reality show! Doesn’t seem that hard to do nowadays.
Best of luck!
[Image via PNP/WENN.]

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Nov 02, 2012 09:59am PDT

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