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The FDA Just Now Decided That Gluten-Free Foods Can’t Contain Gluten! Why Wasn't That The Case Before?

gluten free eating
There’re some new guidelines being issued by the Food and Drug Administration today. After much deliberation, the government agency has decided that products which promote themselves as being gluten-free should in fact not have any gluten in them.
Yeah. No sh*t, Sherlock! You mean to tell us you guys were ALLOWING gluten into foods that had “Gluten-free” printed on the side of the boxes they came in??
The FDA was permitting companies to sneak a tiny bit of gluten into their snacks, so long as they kept it under 20 parts per million.
They’ve now come to their senses and decided gluten-free should probably mean there’s no friggin’ gluten in it!
People with gluten allergies and intolerances still need to be careful with what they eat though, since these new regulations are voluntary, not mandatory!
Why is this so hard, FDA?!?
Alice Bast, the president and CEO of the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, talked about how important it is for foods to be labeled accurately, saying:

“What the food labeling does is that it gives members of our community confidence that when a food manufacturer is making a gluten-free claim├óΓé¼┬ª they can eat.├óΓé¼┬¥

Because when those with allergies DO ingest gluten, it sets off an auto immune reaction and can lead to long-term health consequences, including cancer and reproductive health issues.
We just don’t get why anyone who makes a gluten-free product wouldn’t want to make sure their food is safe for those who are going to be eating it?!

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Aug 09, 2014 14:01pm PDT

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