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Piers Morgan Perplexed By Ryan Reynolds & Andrew Garfield's 'Full-On Tongue Job' At The Golden Globes...

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Well, of course he did…
While Ryan Gosling walked away from the 2017 Golden Globes as one of the most decorated celebs of the evening, the real winners were undoubtedly Ryan Reynolds and Andrew Garfield.
Sure, the Deadpool and Hacksaw Ridge stars may have both lost their major award categories… but they certainly won the night all thanks to that gay kiss!
Related: All The Highlights From The 2017 Golden Globes!
Unfortunately, not everyone was entertained by their consolation prize — including resident grump Piers Morgan.
In fact, Donald Trump‘s original prot├â┬⌐g├â┬⌐ made sure to question the peck just hours after it happened on Good Morning Britain early Monday morning, saying:

“I’m just saying, it was a bit odd… What’s going on there, Ryan?”

Lighten up, Piers!
Luckily, cohost Susanna Reid was there to point out even Blake Lively found the kiss to be in good fun — but we doubt he even bothered listening to her point, tbh.
He did make sure to say he wasn’t confused as to Ryan’s straightness:

“Look, I’m not questioning his sexuality. I’m saying he kissed a bloke — with tongue — in the audience at the Golden Globes. It’s not what you’d expect Ryan Reynolds to do.”

It’s what we’d expect! But then again, we’ve been paying close attention!
Ch-ch-check out Piers Morgan’s on-brand reaction to the Golden Globes gay kiss (below)!!!

[Image via itv and NBC.]

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Jan 09, 2017 10:23am PDT