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Gwyneth Paltrow Doesn't Give A Fudge About Marvel Secrecy, She's Out!

Gwyneth Paltrow Avengers Endgame Marvel Cinematic Universe Pepper Potts

Marvel Studios has been trying to keep a lid on Avengers: Endgame, the culmination of their 22-film franchise. Trailers have been sparse, actors have been sworn to secrecy…
But Gwyneth Paltrow don’t give an eff about any of that because in a new interview with Variety, she straight up announces her retirement from the cinematic universe!
Video: Avengers: Endgame Super Bowl Trailer
She tells the outlet:

“I mean, I’m a bit old to be in a suit and all that at this point. I feel very lucky that I did it, because I actually got talked into it. I was friends with [director] Jon Favreau. It was such a wonderful experience making the first Iron Man and then to watch how important it has become to fans.”

People forget the first Iron Man was actually an enormously successful indie film — the director HAD TO hire some friends!
But back to Gwyn… gurl, don’t you know they’re trying to keep us guessing? That’s why Marvel haven’t announced any of the movies coming AFTER Endgame!
Many fans had speculated Paltrow’s Pepper Potts would graduate from being Robert Downey Jr.‘s girl Friday to become a superhero called Rescue, something which happens in the comics.

Not no mo’ tho!
Gwyneth says she is not committing to any more sequels, though she says she would be up for a cameo — perhaps in a flashback??

“Of course, if they said, ‘Can you come back for a day?,’ I will always be there if they need me.”

But the 46-year-old also wants everyone to know she doesn’t think less of superhero movies — she applauds the Oscars nominating Black Panther for Best Picture:

“So if the vernacular in film is superhero movies and they’re great movies, then I guess why not, right? I loved Black Panther. I thought it was a really powerful movie and culturally very important. So that’s great that it was nominated. I mean that’s so cool.”

But no more for her? What is she telling us??
Besides too much maybe… LOLz!
[Image via Marvel/YouTube.]

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Feb 19, 2019 11:08am PDT