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Which Harry Potter Characters COULD Appear In Spinoff? Find Out In GIFs!


Harry Potter fans can’t stop talking about the brand new movie that will transport us all back to the world of witchcraft and wizardry!

But Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them takes place over 70 years before the events of J.K. Rowling‘s original series.

So could we see ANY of the characters return??

Well, here are a few of the possibilities!

Ch-ch-check ’em ouuut …AFTER THE JUMP!!!

dumbledore creating fire lasso

Albus Dumbledore

J.K. is not shy about saying Professor Dumbledore was her favorite character. So why not bring him back, albeit a younger even sexier version- he’d be in his thirties or forties at the time the new story takes place!


Gellert Grindelwald

Need an evil wizard years before the birth of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Dumbledore’s friend and rival was around (and played by HOT Jamie Campbell-Bower) back then…

albus aberforth dumbledore

Aberforth Dumbledore

Albus’ brother played a small but pivotal role in Deathly Hallows. Why not expand on the enigmatic wizard?

bathilda bagshot

Bathilda Bagshot

We know the movie’s star will be textbook author Newt Scamander. So it makes sense there would be room for the author of another of A History Of Magic.


Nearly Headless Nick

He’s been a nearly headless ghost a LONG time! No reason he couldn’t cross paths with our new hero.


Garrick Ollivander

The wandmaker would have been a boy in the 1920s, but who knows where he got all those phoenix feathers and dragon hearts and unicorn tails to make his wands? They are some fantastic beasts, after all!

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Sep 14, 2013 12:33pm PDT