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Hayden Christensen

Hayden Christensen And His Scary Beard Go For A Massage!

Hayden Christensen is coming to murder you in your sleep!!!
Murder you with hawtness, that is! Well, at least in that Anakin Skywalker costume…
No, but really. Can we please discuss what’s going on here?
Seems like Hottie Hayden has turned into Hobo Hayden overnight!!
Rachel Bilson‘s main squeeze was spotted leaving a massage parlor (of all places) wearing some baggy sweats, a dirty ol’ hoodie and a wispy beard that kinda gives us the creeps.
Nothing against facial hair! We’re all about that seksi stubble, but this is going a step too far! He’s channeling R-Patz with that hobo chic look!
Ah, what are we saying? We’re still drooling all over him!
[Image via AKM-GSI Media.]

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Jan 23, 2013 22:24pm PDT