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Baby Blabber

Her Name Is Mercy

As we mentioned yesterday, Madonna is heading to Malawi this weekend to adopt another child. This time, a girl.
Officials from Malawi have confirmed that her Madgesty is adopting a 3-year-old girl named Mercy James.
Malawi’s Director of Child Welfare Services, Penstone Kilembe, says “The adoption is going ahead. It has been at an advanced stage for some time.”
According to officials, Mercy James is from the “Mchinji Home of Hope orphanage. She has no father and mother, they both died…We finished the assessment yesterday in readiness for the courts next week.”
What sad circumstances for that little girl, but we can only imagine what a privileged life she’ll have with Madge.
AND, with no parents alive, this adoption should be less complicated for the Queen of Pop.
Momma Madonna is due in court this Monday, though none of her reps have yet commented on the situation.
So, what’s the reason for the adoption? Madge recently told Malawi’s The Nation newspaper that “Many people – especially our Malawian friends – say that David should have a Malawian brother or sister. It’s something I have been considering but would only do if I had the support of the Malawian people and the government.”
Looks like she’s going to get what she wants!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 27, 2009 10:45am PDT

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