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Joe Biden & Hillary Clinton's Leaked Information Proves High Profile "Hack" Was A Hoax!

hillary clinton joe biden hacked info a hoax
The celebrities and politicians involved in yesterday’s ENORMOUS hack might be able to rest easy, as it looks like the whole thing was just a hoax!
That’s right. All of that personal information on Beyonce and Hillary Clinton that was recently leaked was just made up!
So what tipped us off to the elaborate prank?
Well for starters, the phone number posted for Joe Biden actually belongs to a gardening shop in Delaware! Unless our Vice President has a second job we aren’t aware of, this looks a bit fishy!
The site also listed one of Hillary’s previous addresses as 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. If that sounds familiar it’s because that’s actually the address to the White House! Although she DID technically spend some time there with her hubby Bill Clinton, it seems a bit silly to include this with supposedly sensitive information!
Police are still looking into the details on the website for more information on this faux hacker. But in the meantime, all of the celebs involved can sigh a HUGE sigh of relief!
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 12, 2013 14:10pm PDT