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Benji Madden

His & Hers


The couple that blog together…

Both Paris Hilton and beau Benji Madden have updated their blogs today.

This is what SHE has to say:

Hi 🙂
Current mood: blessed

Hey everyone! I am so excited, we have finally started taping my new show for MTV. I just want to thank you all for sending in your videos and applications. The response was massive and incredible, we had more applicants then any show in history, so that felt really nice that so many people wanted to be apart of it. I met all the contestants on wednesday night. I had them all meet me at the club Les Deux. I was a little nervous at first cause I always get shy meeting new people. But everyone ended up being very sweet, cool and fun to be around. I’m really happy with the final contestants, although it was really hard to pick only 18 people from so many great choices. Today I had the team from Fred Seagal Beauty come do makeovers on these girls and boys and the results were astonishing. They all looked stunning and beautiful and hot! So much fun! I love doing make overs on my friends .I have to do an elimination tomorrow, meaning telling one of the contestants that they have to leave. I am having anxiety and really dreading those moments of all the eliminations. But it’s going to be a lot of fun and a these people will get to have a fun experience and I’m happy cause I feel like I’ve made friends with some of these people already.

Also go check out my boyfriends blog at, he posted some cool pics of the first two days of shooting,and him and his friends came out to support me. I love how he’s always there for me, he always knows how to make me smile. Life is amazing, couldn’t be happier, excited for what the future holds. Again, thank you all for all your love and support. I’ll write soon xoxo Paris

And, this is what HE has to say:

SO i promised to fill you in on the last 2 days well here goes…while i had meetings and the studio, which all went really well, Paris started shooting her new Mtv show and when you are part of the GC family, everybody comes out to support. Thats tal and world famous skater buddy greg lutska and tyga(rapper buddy who is about to blow up) his boys, and us. We had a fun night watching them shoot the show. I can’t ruin the surprise too much with the show but i can tell you its really funny.

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May 23, 2008 10:00am PDT