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Celebs Who Acted In Horror Movies Before They Were Famous!

brad pitt jen aniston eva medes horror movies

A-list actors have the luxury of choosing meaty, nuanced roles that have a shot at getting them Oscars or Emmys.

But when an actor is still up-and-coming, they pretty much have to work with whatever they can get!

That’s why stars like Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt, and Eva Mendes have all had their turn in the horror genre — and we’re not talking about the elevated, A24-style horror films that are popular today. Nope, we’re talking about slashers, sequels, and silly B-movies!

While some of these films are considered classics by horror fans, at least two of the actors on this list have gone on the record to say that their performance in these films are the most embarrassing of their entire career. Talk about scary!

Ch-ch-check out the list (below) to see which actors got their scare on before they got famous!

Brad Pitt

brad pitt cutting class
(c) Republic Pictures Home Video

These days, he’s one of the biggest stars on the planet — but back in 1989, Brat Pitt was best (and only) known as the sexually frustrated jock in the horror-comedy slasher Cutting Class. He might not be the killer in this film, but he’s got looks to die for! (Sorry.)

Jennifer Aniston

jennifer aniston leprechaun
(c) Trimark Pictures

A year before she became America’s sweetheart thanks to her breakout role on Friends, Jennifer Aniston faced off against an evil leprechaun in this cult classic. In 2019, Jen said she can’t even watch the full movie — but not because it’s scary: because she’s so embarrassed by it!

Tatiana Maslany

tatiana maslany
(c) Lionsgate Films

Years prior to her Emmy-winning role in Orphan Black, Tatiana Maslany played a seemingly innocent young girl in the 2004 sequel to acclaimed teen werewolf flick, Ginger Snaps.

Henry Cavill

henry cavil hellraiser hellworld
(c) Dimension Home Video

Almost a decade before he suited up as Superman in Man of Steel, Henry Cavill played a sex-obsessed victim of the Cenobites in Hellraiser: Hellworld, meeting his end the way most victims in that franchise do: via a big, nasty hook.

Octavia Spencer

Octavia spencer halloween 2
(c) Dimension Films

This future Oscar-winner played a nurse at Haddonfield Hospital in Rob Zombie‘s Halloween II, but her character was on screen for all of 60 seconds before she met her fate at the hands (read: knife) of Michael Myers.

Matt Bomer

Matt Bomer texas chainsaw massacre
(c) New Line Cinema

We can all agree that Matt Bomer looks good enough to eat, but unfortunately the cannibalistic Hewitt family took that literally after he and Jordana Brewster crashed their car in the middle of nowhere in 2006’s The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning.

Patricia Arquette

Patricia Arquette nightmare on elm street 3
(c) New Line Cinema

One of Patricia Arquette‘s first big roles was Kristen, the final girl in Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. Sadly, Kristen didn’t make it through Nightmare 4, but we doubt that bothered Arquette, because she opted out of reprising her role.

Paul Rudd

Paul Rudd halloween
(c) Miramax Films

In the sixth Halloween film, Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, the ageless Paul Rudd plays Tommy Doyle, whose babysitter was Michael Myers’ sister Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis).

Eva Mendes

Eva Mendes children of the corn
(c) Dimension Films

Eva Mendes says her performance in 1998’s Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror was her most embarrassing ever. She previously told EW:

“The scene when I find out my boyfriend killed himself? I beg you to remember that it was my first time on camera ever, and everybody’s got to get their start somewhere.”


Jared Leto

Jared Leto Urband Legend
(c) Sony Pictures Releasing

While Jared Leto could probably still get away with playing a college student in 2021, he played a convincing (and suspicious) one in the 1998 film Urban Legend. And while some may argue he earned his fame in the ’90s tv series My So-Called Life, he still wasn’t the Oscar-winning, rock band lead Jared Leto we know today!

[Image via Trimark Pictures/Republic Pictures Home Video/Dimension Films]

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Oct 27, 2021 12:22pm PDT