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Ian Somerhalder Is Hot, Has Some CUTE Pooches, And Has An Amazing Opportunity For You!

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Ian Somerhalder recently shared an amazing photo of him hanging at his place with his lovely legs and also his two precious pups!
But the actor wasn’t just showing off how cute his pooches were — although they were SUPER adorable!
[ Related: Nikki Reed & Ian Somerhalder Just Adopted A New Addition Into Their Family! ]
The Vampire Diaries actor also revealed how desperately he wants to stop the killing of millions of animals each year, and he’s got an ah-mazing opportunity for anyone who wants to also lend a hand to stop the senseless violence!
Here’s what he wrote on Instagram:

“Chilly early mornings with my girls… It absolutely BLOWS my mind that we hurt and kill millions of these animals per year. We put them in cold kennels waiting to die while dogs other dogs sit in puppy mills or in pet stores and dog-fighting rings to be torn up-and all the while, their level of intelligence, love and compassion are some of the most magnificent things about being human and on this planet.Let’s stop abandoning, fighting and killing these incredible creatures-adopt, spay, neuter, donate, volunteer whatever you can do to help-PLEASE! I promise you’ll feel SO GOOD! WE HAVE an incredible project happening RIGHT NOW CD where you can enter to win and COME SHOOT A SCENE WITH ME on The Vampire Diaries at OMAZE.COM/IAN will help ISF aka do so much! Check it out and help me save SO MANY of these kids as well as educate our two-legged kids! It’s an amazing cause- please help us! If you are not in the United States please go to and help us there;) LETS DO THIS! Have an amazing day! Love, Ian”

We LOVE how Ian is so aggressive in speaking up for animals’ rights.
And it isn’t just all talk! He’s DOING things to help out the furry critters of the world!
We think this a great prize and a great cause, so you can sign up by clicking right HERE. What’s not to like?!
Check out a couple more photos of Ian and his favorite girls up (above) !!!
P.S. CLICK HERE to “follow” Perez on Twitter!
P.P.S. CLICK HERE to “like” Perez on Facebook!
[Image via Instagram.]

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Oct 30, 2014 20:01pm PDT