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Jada Pinkett-Smith Talks Love, Marriage & Family

Fact: Jada Pinkett Smith loves her family!!!
Fact: Her talented kids have given her a huge ego! And she’ll be the first to admit it!
She said:

├óΓé¼┼ôMy blended family made me a giant. [It has] taught me so much about love, commitment and it has been the biggest ego death to date.”

But besides her magnificent ego – what’s been the most daunting part of raising her family?
Aside from being married to major film star Will Smith, it’s been the question of how to be the best step-mom she could be to Will’s son from a previous marriage.
She said:

“When I married Will, I knew Trey was part of the package…Period! If I didn’t want that…I needed to marry someone else. Then I learned if I am going to love Trey…I had to learn to love the most important person in the world to him…his mother. And the two of us may not have always LIKED each other… but we have learned to LOVE each other.”

What about women who marry men and don’t assume responsibility of that man’s child from a previous child?
Jada said:

“I can’t support any actions that keep a man from his children of a previous marriage. These are the situations that separate the women from the girls….We can’t say we love our man and then come in between him and his children. THAT’S selfishness.”

Obviously, Mrs. Pinkett-Smith feels VERY strongly about this.
We don’t blame her!
We applaud her words and actions – she must know something, she’s been one hell of a mommy!
[Image via Facebook.]

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Feb 21, 2013 09:27am PDT

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