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James Charles Cancels His Tour -- Sorry, Sisters!

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James Charles will NOT be going through with his upcoming 24-city nationwide tour, after all.
In the wake of major drama that went down between the YouTube star and fellow beauty vloggers Tati Westbrook and Jeffree Star, Charles opened up to his fans late Friday on Instagram Stories to reveal that he was actually going to cancel every stop on his much-anticipated nationwide tour.
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The tour, as you’ll recall, was controversial from the start considering its exorbitant ticket prices — not to mention the question of what, exactly, Charles could reasonably do to fill up a full show, times 24.
But we’ll never know what it would’ve been like — at least, not now — after the makeup mogul made the decision to up and nix the entire thing.
Charles spoke directly to his fans for nearly ten full minutes about the cancellation decision last night, saying (below):

“As many of you guys know, a few weeks ago, we announced the official first-ever Sisters Tour, which is a 24-city tour all around at the United States of America with music and makeup and memories and games. We’ve officially came to the very very tough decision that I am canceling the Sisters Tour. I know this sucks and people are gonna be upset and sad about it and trust me, I have been really not happy about this either. None of the venues pulled out. None of the brands that were going to be sponsoring it pulled out—and keep in mind it was almost completely sold out and still less than 1% of people who bought tickets contacted about refunds.”

Charles also directly acknowledged the fallout from the wild last couple weeks of extremely public feuding that went down between him, Westbrook, and Star, adding (below):

“Obviously the past few weeks have been a roller coaster and I’ve been dealing with this. It’s been taking up majority, literally a 100% of my time and because of that we are now two weeks behind on a planning and set design and rehearsals, most importantly, and goodie bags, production, and also merchandise. I’m not better and I’m not back either but I am trying to move on with my life and focus on good things that make me happy and they can take my mind off of things. With that being said, I’m still not doing well and the main reason why I am deciding to pull the plug on tour is because the next few weeks and few months, honestly, I said that I wanted to take time for myself and to you, the people that love me, and focus on things that make me really really happy, which is makeup and being with friends and family and getting my head back in the game up to where I’m very very inspired to keep working.”

Charles later insisted that there would be a re-scheduled tour taking place sometime in the future, and it “will be even more epic than before.” We’ll see about that!
In the meantime, here’s the full video of Charles explaining why he’s calling off the tour for now (below):

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[Image via James Charles/Instagram]

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May 25, 2019 16:55pm PDT