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Jessica Simpson Is A Chilled Out Mommy These Days And It's All Ace's Fault!

jessica simpson is a chilled out mommy these days and its all aces fault
This is like the opposite of what’s supposed to happen!
Jessica Simpson is bucking against the trend as a mother, and we’re loving her style!
The hawt momma of two beautiful children actually apparently got MORE relaxed after the birth of her second child and first son Ace.
Which is weird because we’ve heard that one child is tough, but compared to two children – it’s like three or four times the work!
Jessica on the other hand is apparently in a zen-like state these days, and it’s all because of #2! Here’s what a source said:

“[She] has been very laid back about motherhood and its had a hugely positive effect on the whole family. Sure, she’s still a celebrity and she has assistants and helpers around her at all times so she’s not dealing with the nighttime crying, but this new relaxed approach has been heaven-sent. Jessica is totally chilled out and nothing fazes her these days.”

We LOVE that!
Parenting doesn’t have to be such a stressful adventure — it can be relaxed! However, those assistants and helpers are probably a big load off of Jessica’s back!
Still, some celebrities have all those helpers and are still nervous nellies which can affect everyone’s state of mind!
Props to Jessica for creating a relaxed environment inside her home! It’s good for her kids!
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[Image via Instagram.]

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Apr 03, 2014 11:31am PDT