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Joan Rivers Married An Adorable Couple At Her Book Signing! Feel Free To Tear Up At The Sight Of Their Joy!

joan rivers performs gay wedding at her book signing
We love Joan Rivers SO MUCH!
Some people may not be too keen on her (cough Kristen Stewart cough), but we think she’s a pretty swell woman! And you should too!
Wanna know why?
Well, at the New York City signing of her new book, Diary Of A Mad Diva, she performed a surprise gay wedding for two of the attendees!
Jed Ryan and Joe Aiello joked about asking Joan if she would officiate their wedding, not thinking she would say yes, but she did!
Not only did she say she was up for it, but Joan insisted they do it right there at her signing in front of everyone!
Which was totally legal because the Fashion Police host IS an ordained minister that can officiate weddings!
How AH-MAZING is that!??! You go, Joan! We LOVE it!
Ch-ch-check out the whole story…AFTER THE JUMP!!!

[Image via Michael Sherer/Joan Rivers/Twitter.]

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Jul 01, 2014 17:28pm PDT