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Jodi Arias Prosecutor Says One Of The Jurors Was In Love With The Convicted Killer -- And Another Juror Backs His Claims!

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Well this could explain some things.
Earlier this year we thought we had heard the last about the Jodi Arias trial when she was finally sentenced to life in prison for the 2008 murder of her boyfriend Travis Alexander.
Jodi was originally convicted of her crime on May 8, 2013 but wasn’t sentenced until this year due to scandalous claims and a mistrial ruling.
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According to Daily Mail, Deputy County Attorney Juan Martinez‘s book Conviction: The Untold Story of Putting Jodi Arias Behind Bars, due out next year, claims one of the jurors fell in love with Arias!
Though the prosecutor would not say which juror allegedly had feelings for the murderer, Tara Harris Kelley, one of the alternate jurors, said she has “no doubt” Juan was referring to the jury foreman Bill Zervakos.
Kelley said of Zervakos:

“When we would go into the judge’s’ chambers, which was once a week, he would always make eye contact with her [Arias] and do the same when he left… He had said he was a womanizer early on and that made me concerned he was going to be attracted to her. It’s just such an odd thing to say.”

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Tara went on to say that most of the jury would hardly ever look at Arias but Bill seemed oddly interested in her as she explained:

“I honestly think he wanted to find her not guilty but he found her guilty. He found her guilty because he had to because of the evidence that was there.”

Kelley was able to get a close view of the foreman because as juror 17 she had a good angle on what he was doing every day.
She went on to say:

“I asked Jodi a lot of questions. Every time I would ask a question I could hear him huffing. He was so unimpressed that I kept asking her questions. His reaction was grunts like he was getting annoyed.”

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The foreman seemed to make contradictory claims after the trial though when he first told Good Morning America:

“When I walked into that court room for the first time and looked at the defendant – it is hard to put it into perspective, looking at that young woman and thinking about the brutality of the crime. It doesn’t wash…I am very sure in my own mind that Jodi was mentally and verbally abused by him. Is that an excuse? Of course not. Did it factor into the decision we made? It has to.”

However, when Bill was later interviewed by Daily Mail he changed his tune, saying:

“It took a great deal [out of me] emotionally. It was a very difficult six months, but I worked very very hard to keep it strictly analytical, from a non-emotional point of view.”

Conviction comes out next February, so we’re sure we’ll get some more details from behind the scenes.
[Image via Arizona Department of Corrections.]

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Dec 01, 2015 14:25pm PDT

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