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Joe Biden Tells Donald Trump To 'Grow Up' & Stop With His Compulsive Tweeting Already -- Hear His Stern Words!

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It’s time for Donald Trump to put up or shut up. But mostly to grow up.
That’s what Joe Biden had to say about the President-elect’s ever-prolific Twitter behavior weeks before his inauguration!
The incoming POTUS is still using social media to communicate his political and personal musings, which is essentially a virtual cesspool of masturbatory narcissistic comments undermining the government and stroking his own, fragile ego.
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The latest victim of Trump’s tweets was Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, whom the President-elect called the “head clown” of the Democratic party.
Now, Vice President Joe Biden has some fatherly advice for the businessman turned politician — step away from social media and concentrate on, you know, RUNNING THE DAMN COUNTRY!
In an interview with PBS NewsHour on Thursday, the 74-year-old had strong words for the real estate mogul, saying:

“Grow up, Donald. Grow up. Time to be an adult. You’re president.”

Sure, Biden sounds like a frustrated father trying to keep his cool while explaining to a petty teenager the importance of responsibility, all the more confirming our suspicions that Trump’s leadership will be best compared to King Joffrey on Game Of Thrones — but that’s politics, right?
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As Trump’s immature tweets are nothing new, Biden told the soon-to-be world leader it’s time to sh*t or get off the pot, adding:

“You gotta do something, show us what you have. You’re going to propose to the legislation, we’re going to get to debate it.”

Though Trump won’t officially be in command until the January 20 inauguration, the VP thinks the President-elect needs to cut out the malarky and get down to the nitty-gritty of the job. He continued:

“Let the public decide, let them vote in Congress, let’s see what happens. It’s going to be much clearer what he’s for and against, and what we’re for and against. Now that it’s going to get down to actually discussing in detail these issues that affect people’s lives.”

Way to go, Joe! Ch-ch-check out a clip of the VP’s Trump talk (below)!

If you want more, watch Biden’s full interview (below) to hear him talk about the future of Obamacare, the Russian election hacking, and more!

[Image via PBS/WENN.]

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Jan 06, 2017 10:55am PDT