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CFDA Awards

Boo! Johnny Depp Won't Be At The CFDA Awards!

One of the biggest draws at Monday night’s CFDA Awards is Johnny Depp.
Unfortunately, the actor will not be in attendance to pick up his Fashion Icon award because he’s currently on location in New Mexico filming The Lone Ranger.
International Award winner Rei Kawakubo will also be MIA as she’s busy getting ready for the Comme des Gar├â┬ºons menswear show in Paris on June 29.
Both winners have asked John Waters to accept their awards in what a CFDA spokesman calls “a complete coincidence,” adding:

“…that there might be a chance that both would not be able to attend but felt both were deserving no matter what.”

Sigh… They both will certainly be missed. But, congratulations to all winners!
[Image via WENN.]

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Jun 03, 2012 10:30am PDT

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