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Judge Declares Mistrial In Roger Clemens Case


The judge in the Roger Clemens federal perjury trial abruptly made the decision to to declare a mistrial on just the second day of testimony.

The former All-Star baseball pitcher was accused of perjury after he had testified in a 2008 hearing that he never used steroids or other enhancement drugs.

During Thursday’s trial, a major snafu occurred when a video screen was left on in the courtroom, allowing jurors to see a written comments by U.S. Rep. Elijah E. Cummings during the 2008 hearing.

Once the discovery was made, the judge said, “Sadly, I have reached this conclusion” after he commented that he would not allow outside testimony or evidence be used in the courtroom.

Unbelievable. For more info, watch the video (above).

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Jul 15, 2011 11:00am PDT

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