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5th Grader BARRED From Delivering Speech That Supports Gay Marriage

Kameron Slade, a 5th grade student at PS 195 in Queens, NY had planned to deliver a pro gay marriage speech for a school wide competition, but his school principal forbid Slade from making the speech because of its inappropriate content.
The worse part is that Slade’s speech is incredibly eloquent with amazing depth, and yet he will not be able to share his powerful message with his classmates.
Not only can the intelligent young man not give the speech, but his principal said if he doesn’t choose an entirely different topic altogether then he won’t be able to even participate in the speech competition.
That’s terrible!
Here’s what Slade’s mother said about gay marriage:

“It├óΓé¼Γäós a part of our lives now. They need to open up. The New York City Department of Education needs to open up.”

Take a look at the touching video (above) to hear the important message that Slade’s classmates are going to miss.
WE want to hear what YOU have to say, Kameron!!!

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Jun 16, 2012 10:00am PDT