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Kanye West

Kanye West Calls Out Kim Kardashian's 'Overly Sexualized' Brand, Lizzo's Weight, & Defends Being Pro-Life In Jaw-Dropping Tucker Carlson Interview

Kanye West Calls Out Lizzo, Corey Gamble, Fashion, And Ex-Wife Kim Kardashian In Jaw-Dropping Tucker Carlson Interview!

Kanye West has a LOT to say.

The controversial rapper sat down for a long interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Thursday night and covered a lot of highly sensitive topics. Of course, this comes days after his “White Lives Matter” stunt at his Paris Fashion Week show — and now, he’s not holding back in talking about that and the fallout from his feuds with fashion editor Gabriella Karefa-Johnson and supermodel Gigi Hadid.

Related: Kanye Admits He Has A ‘Crush’ On Kylie Jenner’s BFF Stassie But Says Everyone Knows!

During the wide-ranging interview, the Jesus Walks rapper also spoke about a lot of other issues, too. They include his ex-wife Kim Kardashian, his family, politics, abortion, his thoughts on stars like Lizzo and Corey Gamble, and much more.

Here are a few highlights…

White Lives Matter

For one, Ye defended his decision to have models wear those “White Lives Matter” t-shirts. He also told Tucker about his idea to have right-wing pundit Candace Owens wear one in a backstage photo that quickly went viral:

“I do certain things from a feeling. I just channel the energy. It just feels right. It’s using a gut instinct, connection with God and just brilliance. If you asked Tonya Harding how she did the triple flip or the triple spin, she was in so much practice that when it was time for her to skate in a competitive format, it just happened… That’s what’s happening. God is preparing us for the real battles. We are in a battle with the media. The majority of the media has a godless agenda.”

And the Hurricane rapper’s own father supposedly backed him on the controversial choice. According to Ye, Ray West — who the rapper says is an “educated ex-Black Panther” — loved the shirts:

“You know, my dad is an educated ex-Black Panther, and he put in a text to me today, he said, ‘White Lives Matter. Ha ha ha ha ha.’ And I said, ‘I thought the shirt was a funny shirt. I thought the idea of me wearing it was funny.’ And I said, ‘Dad, why do you think it was funny?’ He said, ‘Just a Black man stating the obvious.’ That [was] my favorite response. ‘Cause people, they’re looking for an explanation, and people say, ‘Well, as an artist you don’t have to give an explanation,’ but as a leader, you do. So the answer to why I wrote White Lives Matter on a shirt is because they do. It’s the obvious thing.”

Stalking Pete Davidson

Ye attempted to address some of his past behavior aimed at Kim’s ex-boyfriend Pete Davidson. The fashion designer slammed suppositions that he was doing anything untoward with Pete by buying a home close to Kim:

“The media ridiculed me for getting the house next door to Kim to see my children, and they even said I was stalking her and her new boyfriend because I bought the house next door to see my children.”

Kim “Put Her Ass Out”

Kanye slammed the media for having Kim “put her ass out” as a mother of four to sell products and stay in the public eye:

“Kim is a Christian, but she has people who want her to go to Interview magazine and put her ass out while she’s a 40-something-year-old multi-billionaire with four black children and this is how fashion, how they want to present her.”

Have to say it… What about all the nude shoots she did while you were married and cheering her on, Ye??

“Overly Sexualized” SKIMS Products

He then appeared to contradict himself by calling out his ex’s SKIMS brand for “a lot of issues” with their imagery and branding:

“I had a lot of issues with the imagery of SKIMS. I felt like there’s a lot of imagery that was overly sexualized and things I wouldn’t want to see my wife and definitely not my daughters doing in the future in order to sell product. But it reaches another level when it’s like, ‘OK, well this is what my wife is doing. This is what she is doing for our children.'”

Abortion & Being Pro-Life

When asked by Carlson about why he wears a lanyard with a “photograph of a baby’s ultrasound,” Ye doubled down on his “pro-life” stance. Speaking about the reactions to his controversial abortion opinions (and spewing fake stats), Kanye noted:

“I don’t care about people’s responses, but I care about the fact that there are more Black babies being aborted than born in New York City at this point. That 50% of Black death in America is abortion. So I really don’t care about people’s response to that. I perform for an audience of one and that is God.”

His “Boy” Donald Trump

It’s only love between Ye and Donald Trump, at least in his latest interview. Chatting about the response to his support of the then-President, he recalled:

“My so-called friends-slash-handlers around me told me if I said that I liked Trump that my career would be over, that my life would be ove. They said stuff like, ‘People get killed for wearing a hat like that.’ They threatened my life. They basically said that I would be killed for wearing the hat.”

Still, he recognizes his “friend” Trump used him for ratings, adding:

“For older white people, they’re quick to classify a black person only by the fact that we’re black. Even Trump, a person that we’d consider a friend of mine, when I went to the White House, I called him after that to get ASAP Rocky out of jail. And one of the things he said to me is, ‘Kanye, you’re my friend. When you came to the White House, my black approval rating went up 40%.”

West, who ran for President himself in 2016, shared more feelings on Trump’s politics, bashing the New Yorker’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and his brother Joshua:

“After talking to them and really sitting with Jared and sitting with Josh and finding out other pieces of information I was like, ‘Wow, these guys might’ve really been holding Trump back and being very much a handler. They love to look at me or look at Trump like we’re so crazy and that they’re the businessmen… never brought anything of value other than so-called being a good venture capitalist. I have a major issue with that and it makes me feel like they weren’t serving my boy Trump the way we could have.”

But of course, there’s the Democrats, too:

“And for politicians, all black people are worth is an approval rating. The Democrats feel that they don’t owe us anything. And Republicans feel that they don’t owe us anything. Blacks have never demanded something for our vote.”

Influencers ‘Made In A Laboratory’

At one point, Ye took aim at Karefa-Johnson — the woman who initially criticized his White Lives Matter stunt.

Claiming she and Kris Jenner‘s boyfriend were “practically made in a laboratory,” Ye said:

“There’s so many things that are put in Kim’s head. They bring influencers, like no one ever knew where Corey Gamble came from, no one in the fashion world knows where [Karefa-Johnson] came from. These people were practically made in a laboratory in my opinion.”

He continued:

“And one of the things they’re really good at doing is being nice and being likable. And what they do is for people who have some form of influence — whether it’s an educated Black woman like my mother that became the head of the English department at Chicago State University, or whether it’s the most influential white woman on the planet, being my ex-wife — they have people that are around them at all times telling them what to be afraid of. Not what to do or say, specifically, it’s what to be afraid of. And if you have a person that isn’t afraid of them like a Russell Brand or Candace Owens, it’s not that we have to agree with this, but they’re not afraid to state what their opinion is.”

Lizzo And Body Positivity

Ye also took aim at the Good As Hell singer. Alleging that “being overweight is the new goal,” the Life of Pablo rapper asserted the portrayal of the pop star and her physical attributes is “demonic” to Black people:

“They had the idea that Ye was bullying… a ‘body goals Black woman.’ Now let’s talk about [Karefa-Johnson] and my good friend Lizzo. Lizzo works with my trainer, a friend of mine, Harley Pasternak. When Lizzo loses 10 pounds and announces it, the bots… on Instagram, they attack her for losing weight, because the media wants to put out a perception that being overweight is the new goal, when it’s actually unhealthy. Let’s get aside from the fact whether it’s in fashion and in vogue, which it’s not, or if someone thinks it’s attractive, to each his own. It’s actually clinically unhealthy. For people to promote that, it’s demonic… It’s a genocide of the Black race. They want to kill us in any way they can.”


BTW, Ye also called Elon Musk a “great team player,” in case you needed even more to seal the deal on how much of a s**t show this whole interview was.

You can watch a series of some of the highlights from Kanye’s talk on Tucker Carlson Tonight, including his White Lives Matter thoughts (below):

He also discusses Kim’s supposed close relationship with Bill and Hillary Clinton:

And speaks out with his thoughts on Lizzo’s body positivity branding and the media’s “demonic” take on obesity:

Finally, Ye slammed claims that he is “crazy,” and tried to rationalize much of his recent behavior as finding power “through God” (below):

Yeah, it’s a lot. Reactions, Perezcious readers?

[Image via Fox News/YouTube/The Tonight Show/YouTube]

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Oct 07, 2022 08:30am PDT