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Kanye West Is Actually A 'Family Man' & Not As Cray As He Wants Us To Believe!

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Perception is everything!
According to sources close to Kanye West, his daily Twitter rants and uncomfortable obsession with Taylor Swift is all just an act. In fact, the rapper is anything but crazy if we choose to believe his inner circle!
Related: Kim Keeps Kanye Chill
Kris Jenner‘s crisis management team Friends of West have jumped to his defense in light of his seemingly public breakdown, claiming we’re just privy to Ye’s “public persona” rather than the real him:

“Whatever the world thinks about Kanye, they haven’t seen the real him. Everything else, like the tweets and the crazy stuff at awards shows, that’s not really him. It’s really him when he’s rubbing Kim’s back, or holding her hand. Or playing with North. That’s the real Kanye West, not the public persona.”

Aw, sounds so sweet! We guess that’s why Kim Kardashian West chose to release a very precious of snap of Yeezy napping with North West the other day…
The insider adds:

“He’s a good dad, and one who loves his family very much. I think Kanye struggles with being a family man, when that hasn’t been his public persona for so many years. But now he’s got exactly what he always wanted, always needed: a family of people who need him and look to him as a male figure, and who love him unconditionally. And he has to figure that all out.”

Hopefully Kanye west figures it out sooner than later… the internet is buzzing with divorce rumors! We’d love to see K.W. turn it all around.
So, what do YOU believe?
[Image via Instagram.]

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Feb 25, 2016 14:11pm PDT