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Celebrity Feuds

It Never Ends! More From Katie Price On Daughter's Injury!

The drama NEVER ends, does it?!
Well, at least this time she’s taking the high road!
Katie Price has taken to her official website to continue the war of words against her ex-husband, Peter Andre, specifically regarding the legal drama surrounding her daughter Princess Tiaamii‘s minor burn!
Thankfully, it sounds as though the matter has finally been resolved!
She explains:

Princess and the Police
I am naturally delighted that the police have concluded their investigation into the minor burn that Princess sustained while she was in Klosters. The police have informed me that, having looked into this, that they are satisfied that the account provided of how the injury was sustained and the nature of that injury was accurate. It follows that they consider there are no child protection issues.
I am so relieved at the police findings – even though I knew that Princess had received no injury that warranted anything more than the most basic of treatment and that this injury was sustained in a fluke accident having the police investigate and seeing headlines about child abuse and my ex-husband being ‘horrified’ at what he called a ‘bad’ burn have caused a terrific strain. Dan Wootton of the News of the World claimed that Princess had been ‘badly burnt’ and that ‘it is far more serious than Jordan has publicly indicated’ (Mr. Wootton also tweeted that Princess burn was “NOT minor, despite what she said”) and my family has been traumatised, not least my wonderful mother whose care Princess was in. Much as I would like to think that those that shamefully put this minor accident into the public domain and suggested I lied about the nature of the injury will apologise I am a realist.
Although I am naturally disappointed with the way my ex-husband has behaved in relation to this incident I want to make clear that I consider him to be a good father to Princess and Junior. I hope he believes the same of me and that Princess and Junior can now be allowed to grow up out of the public domain and without being the centre of such allegations.

Well, that’s that, we suppose!
We’re just thankful that the poor little girl wasn’t hurt any worse and that Price took the time to write some kind words about Peter!
Hopefully this is the first step in a more amicable relationship – at least when it comes to parenting their children!
[Images via WENN.]

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Feb 18, 2011 07:00am PDT