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Keanu Reeves' Girlfriend Alexandra Grant Breaks Silence On Relationship In Rare Vogue Interview!

Keanu Reeves Girlfriend Alexandra Grant Vogue Interview

Back in November the entire Internet was shocked to learn Keanu Reeves was not single — and hadn’t been for a long time.

The John Wick star is just so private almost no one realized he and artist Alexandra Grant, his partner in publishing house X Artists’ Books, were more than collaborators. And if you think he’s private, just wait until you meet her!

Alexandra granted Vogue an interview in which she finally confirmed the relationship — but remained effortlessly cagey as well! But even her demure answers tell us WAY more about the relationship than we knew before!

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When asked about the reaction to the couple’s sort of debut at the 2019 LACMA Art + Film Gala, she revealed the surprise wasn’t limited to strangers — apparently they’ve been so private a lot of her friends didn’t know either! She recalled:

“I think every single person I knew called me in the first week of November, and that’s fascinating. But the question I’ve been asking in all of this is: ‘What is the opportunity for good?'”

Well, so far most of the attention has been positive, so that’s nice. Many find it a pleasant change to see a hunky movie star with a woman close to his own age.

The other silver lining is more attention on Alexandra’s art. She’s got a show lined up in April at the Marfa Invitational in Texas, in which she’s showing three paintings inspired by the myth of Antigone, who defied a king’s orders by giving her slain brother a proper burial and famously said, “I was born to love, not hate.”

Alexandra suggests Greta Thunberg could be seen as a sort of modern-day Antigone, musing:

“It’s been an absolute trip for me, seeing the paintings take on a new life as the political climate changes.”

These are definitely ideas getting a bigger spotlight now.

However, if anything it’s funny it took so long for everyone to notice Keanu and Alexandra together. With both self-deprecating humor and supreme confidence, she points out she’s pretty hard to miss:

“I’m a 6ft 1in woman with white hair. You know, the idea of fitting in… If I wanted to look like Kim Kardashian, I would have to have surgery removing about a foot off my legs.”


Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant at LACMA
(c) Adriana M. Barraza/WENN

Regarding her now-famous hair, the 46-year-old explains she started going grey in her 20s and was fully silver by her mid-30s. She made a conscious choice to keep it natural after that:

“I am a huge believer in choice — whatever anyone wants to do to feel confident. We should all have more options as to what beauty is. There are billions of us.”

We love that!

Speaking of choice and beauty, it was a sweet, artistic gift which ended up putting her and Keanu on their path to being publishing partners. She was the one who put his poems together into a book with illustrations called Ode to Happiness:

“The book was made as a surprise, by me, for Keanu, as a private gift. All our friends sitting in the room got the giggles when I gave it to him — they said, ‘Please publish it!’ So that’s how we got into publishing.”

That was all the way back in 2011 — were they just friends at that time? Or were they already dating??

Last month her friend, actress and poker player Jennifer Tilly, revealed they had been dating for “several years” — while admitting she had only recently found out as well. We still don’t know when this all started… but maybe we know where it’s headed?

The interviewer slyly asks how Alexandra feels about marriage, to which she playfully answers:

“Over a glass of wine… I would love to tell you. Love at every level is deeply important to my identity. How’s that for dodging the question? I do not believe that isolation is the way. There is a period of isolation that I do as a painter, but I deeply value the experience of being in relationships.”

Hmm. Well, for a non-answer, that certainly was a weighty one! LOLz!

[Image via WENN/Instar.]

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Mar 13, 2020 07:01am PDT

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