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Kerry Katona SMASHED On Live British Morning Show!

Former Atomic Kitten member and current English reality TV whore, Kerry Katona, appeared ever the hot mess today on U.K. chat show This Morning, slurring through an interview with hosts Fern Britton and Philip Schofield.

We figured she was just being British.

Kerry was on This Morning to discuss an upcoming MTV show wherein she undergoes cosmetic surgery on camera to regain the figure she lost to pregnancy.

Or at least that was the plan.

Instead, Fern backs Kerry into a corner, and it suddenly seems more of an intervention than an interview, with Fern pressing Kerry regarding a recent saucy photoshoot with laddie mag Zoo Weekly, during which she drank a whole lot of champagne. And while Fern doesn’t call Kerry an alcoholic outright, Kerry’s flustered response sounds anything but sober.

Concerned viewers called in, one of the saying, “It’s car crash TV – she looked and sounded utterly dreadful.”

Dreadful is an understatement!

Kerry attempts to excuse herself, blaming her prescription medication for her drowsiness and insists that she’s “absolutely fine” and has “never been happier.” Fern and Philip have to content themselves with her word.

But things haven’t been so easy for Kerry lately – drug addictions, premature births, rumors, rehab, bipolar disorder, bankruptcy, a home invasion and hostage situation, and consistently voted the “most irritating.” That sort of stuff would make anyone want to hit the bottle once…or twice…or ten times.

Amy Wino’s still got everyone beat on the other side of the pond!

CLICK HERE to watch Katona’s appearance on This Morning!

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Oct 22, 2008 10:00am PDT

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