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Kid Rock

Kid Rock Isn't Happy With His Punishment


So it’s time for Kid Rock to serve his sentence after getting into a brawl at a Georgia Waffle House last year. But, the musician isn’t happy with getting his community service request denied.

On his official website, Kid goes off on the judge for denying his request of serving his 80 hours due by performing for the U.S. troops stationed in the Middle East.

The singer says, “Apparently he thinks it’s more important that I do something else rather than sing, shake hands, take pictures and spend time with the men and women who put themselves in harms way to protect the very freedom he and all of us live by.”

Seriously, WTF?!?!

Kid Rock has already gone to the Middle East to perform for the troops a few times. He obviously likes doing it and getting the press. Why the hell would a judge order his community service to be performing for others?

As for Georgia State Court Judge Alvin T. Wong, he denied the request and said Kid Rock would preform for the troops “even if he was not under a sentence to perform community service. Besides, giving him credit for something he would otherwise love to do in front of a camera completely defeats the punitive purpose of performing community service.


Though self-absorbed Kid sees it differently, and wrote on his site, “I really take it as a slap in the face, and really have trouble thinking of a better way to ‘serve the community,’ especially at Christmas time. Either way this judge will leave a bad taste of ignorance in my mouth, but I don’t let the DEVIL get me down, so WHATEVA!!” He then proceeded to put the judge’s name, address, office phone number, and email on his blog.

Seriously, if anyone were to email the judge, please praise him for not giving in to stupid celebrity demands. No one is above the law!

[Image via WENN.]

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Dec 03, 2008 18:22pm PDT

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