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Kirstie Alley

Kirstie Alley Responds To 'Nasty People' After Getting SLAMMED For Endorsing Donald Trump's Re-Election!

Fans slam Kirstie Alley for endorsing Donald Trump for President.

With early voting underway and less than a month left before the general election on November 3, yet another celebrity has bravely (read: stupidly) come out in support of re-electing Donald Trump for president. *Sigh*

The latest endorsement has come from Cheers actress Kirstie Alley, who took to Twitter on late Saturday night and shocked fans with her message of support for the Republican Party’s nominee. She tweeted:

“I’m voting for @realDonaldTrump because he’s NOT a politician. I voted for him 4 years ago for this reason and shall vote for him again for this reason. He gets things done quickly and he will turn the economy around quickly. There you have it folks there you have it.”

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See (below):

Wow. It’s actually a good thing the 69-year-old let followers know that she previously voted for DJT in 2016 because if we didn’t know any better, we’d think this was a backdated message! You know, from a time when some people foolishly had hopes he’d “make America great again” instead of the actual dumpster fire he helped it become? Considering how badly Trump’s administration has handled the ongoing coronavirus pandemic among many other pressing issues our country is facing today, she can’t be serious about him getting things done “quickly,” can she?

And that bit about him not being a politician… WTF? Gurl, we KNOW! He’s a washed-up reality TV star who was never qualified for the job in the first place! That isn’t some badge of honor, either — it’s f**king sad.

It didn’t take long for fuming social media users to shade Alley for her political preference. One angry user wrote:

“Kirstie Alley is an idiot. An idiot okay with racism. She is a stupid person who has not endeavored to become any smarter. She is a the epitome of the privilege of both whiteness and wealth. The problem isn’t Kirstie Alley’s words. The problem is Kirstie Alley.”

Another follower pointed out the ridiculousness behind Alley’s logic for not wanting to elect a politician as President:

“Kirstie Alley likes Trump as President because he’s not a politician. I understand totally, because I’ll only ride in a car if the person driving it doesn’t have a license and let someone operate on me if they didn’t go to med school.”

One user named Timothy Dunn described a past horror story about serving Kirstie alley years ago at a restaurant, which racked up thousands of likes and prompted countless others to dig up old, bad stories about the Look Who’s Talking alum:

Okay, we’ll admit. That last one comes off like fat-shaming and that’s completely unnecessary to make your point about her unfortunate support for Trump. We’re a lot more partial to filmmaker Judd Apatow‘s witty jab that OG Cheers fans will likely appreciate:

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Following the backlash, Kirstie returned to the platform later that evening to pout over the slew of “nasty” comments that were hurled at her:

“Don’t think I’ve ever seen so much name-calling in my life. Definitely not on my site here anyway I guess I’m not allowed to have a viewpoint without being called a really nasty names by what I’m going to suppose are really nasty people.”

In a follow-up tweet, she encouraged like-minded fans to “stick to your guns” in the face of… people legitimately calling you out for supporting a racist, bigot, fool?! We mean, sure. If that’s what you’re into! She wrote:

“Stick to your guns. Not always easy to be under fire but always easier than going against your own integrity. & JUST REMEMBER: if it takes thousands to try & bring u down, you must be one powerful Mfer Love wins”

See (below):

Perezcious readers, do U think people were being too harsh?? Or is this just what you should expect when you speak up in support of such a polarizing figure in this political climate? We alluded it to it earlier, but we’ll say it again: this whole thing is beyond disappointing!

Sound OFF with your thoughts on all of this (below) in the comments.

[Image via Adriana M. Barraza/Instar/WENN]

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Oct 18, 2020 12:43pm PDT