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Kris Humphries

Just Like Herpes, Kris Humphries' Herpes-Based Legal Woes Just Won't Go Away! Find Out What He's REFUSING To Do HERE!

Kris Humphries might be ordered to take an STD test! Why doesn't he just do it anyway??
Kris Humphries is in an awkward legal battle because of a one-night stand with accuser Kayla Goldberg.
She’s trying to sue him, claiming he gave her herpes! STILL! This was back in 2010!
Humphries has always denied having any STDs but he’s apparently not submitting to testing, so Goldberg’s lawyers are requesting a judge order him to get tested.
The plaintiff’s document read:

“Since the outset of litigation, Humphries has steadfastly denied having any herpes virus. Humphries has also admitted that he has never been tested for herpes simplex virus type 1 … At the same time, Humphries has refused to submit to a test for sexually transmitted infections to lay this matter to rest. [Humphries] denies that he is infected with any herpes virus, yet has simultaneously admitted to not having been tested for herpes simplex virus type 1. In essence, Humphries wants Plaintiff and this Court to take him at his word that he is free of any herpes virus while refusing to submit to tests that prove that is so.”

Hmm, makes you kinda think why he doesn’t want to submit to a test. We assume he’d rather this whole lawsuit just go away!
If he doesn’t actually have herpes, then wouldn’t it be super easy to just take a test and move on with your life??
Or is he afraid of what he might find out…
We’ll be interested to see what happens if a judge orders him to take the test.
[Image via WENN.]

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May 01, 2014 15:50pm PDT

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