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Kristin Davis' Magic T-Shirt Can Stop Elephant Poachers!!

Kristin Davis wants to save elephant using the power of t-shirt!

Kristin Davis cares so much about the animals!!

What do you mean “no, she doesn’t?”

Of course she does! Ya-huh!

Oh yeah? Then why else would she post a pic (above) and write:

“#1every15minutes Thank you @Barmydog for these cute t shirts to stop poaching of elephants.”

You know she’s already been raising money to stop elephant poachers, right?

It’s super important to protect elephants because one is killed every 15 minutes!!

That’s insane! We need to stop the ivory trade NOW!

Kristin is clearly doing her part, what have U done lately??

Wanna help out? Then click HERE and join in the fight!

[Image via Kristin Davis.]

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Oct 19, 2013 11:01am PDT

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