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LeAnn Rimes Feels Like She Has A Fresh Start!

Anxiety and stress can totally cause havoc in your life, that’s for sure. This even happens to the rich and famous, who turn out to be no different than the rest of us.
Unfortch, the rest of us can’t really afford to check into treatment programs for this kind of stuff, and have to rely on good ol’ head shrinkin’ (which works just fine, most of the time)! LOLz!
LeAnn Rimes, however, WAS able to check into a program — for a whole month! Now she feels like she’s been given a fresh start, and a clean slate!
Here’s what she said:

“I feel like I am starting over even though I’ve had all these years behind me. How many people get to [start] over in this day and age?”

Not many, LeAnn!
She continued:

├óΓé¼┼ôPeople look at you and go, ‘Why are you struggling?’ ├óΓé¼┬ª No one can quite understand why you hurt so badly. It’s hard to take it day after day of reading and seeing things that someone you don’t even know says about you. As much as you said you don’t want it to penetrate, it does, because you’re human.”

We hear that. As a general rule, people should just be kinder to each other, even if they’re strangers!
We’re glad the treatment worked and was worth it, LeAnn. Now go use what you’ve learned to spread love though the world!
[Image via WENN.]

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Oct 23, 2012 20:29pm PDT

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