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Court Docs Reveal Lily Allen Was In Bed With London DJ During Stalker’s Break-In -- Are She & Her Husband Done For Good?

Lily Allen's stalker court docs reveal more!
It was only two months ago Lily Allen opened up about being victim shamed after her scary experience with her stalker of seven years, Alex Gray.
Well nearly two weeks ago, a judge ordered her stalker be sectioned with an indeterminate hospital order and restraining order after he broke into her home last October. Since the June 10 court hearing, more docs have come out from the case, reportedly revealing the songstress was in bed with another man.
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In case you don’t remember, the 31-year-old is married to Sam Cooper, but there have been reports the two have been outs since September.
So, who is the guy that saved Lily from her stalker?? London DJ Meridian Dan AKA Lawrence London.
According to the court papers revealed by The Sun, the scary situation unfolded as such:

“In the early hours of Fri 2 Oct 2015, there as a burglary at Ms Cooper’s flat. At about 1.30am, Ms Cooper was in her bedroom with her friend Lawrence London. Her two children were asleep in their bedroom, and her nanny was in her bedroom. Ms Cooper assured Mr London that she did not know who he was, and asked him to get the stranger out of her house. Mr London got out of bed, and put his hand on the man’s shoulder. He was still screaming at Ms Cooper, words to the effect ├óΓé¼╦£She’s a bitch, her and her kids.’ Mr London began to usher him out of the bedroom├óΓé¼┬ª..and he left. Mr London shut the doors and went back to check on Ms Cooper.”

Her husband wasn’t home at the time.
While it doesn’t seem Lily has responded to the claims, she did take to Twitter over the weekend to talk her stalker.
She wrote:

It’s still unclear what is going on between the singer and her husband, but we’re sure with two kids, they’re trying to figure things out as best as they can.
What do U think???
[Image via WENN.]

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Jun 20, 2016 10:06am PDT

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